
Reflections on order




Telescoping is a hermeneutical tool. Purportedly, it gives us a way to interpret prophetic passages.  Prophetic passages foretell certain events in the future.  But we notice that these passages not only apply to the events that are soon to come; they also apply to events much farther in the future.  There is a double fulfillment.  Telescoping is the theory that the prophet speaks in terms of both fulfillments.

In his commentary on Matthew, Hendrikson describes telescoping (he calls it prophetic foreshortening)  in terms of a mountain range.  We are looking through a telescope at a mountain range.  We see the first mountain, which is the fulfillment, but all the mountains behind it (further fulfillments) look like part of that mountain.  The prophecy is given in terms that describe all the mountains that the prophet sees.  We might call what he sees a mash-up of different future events.  (He writes this in the context of Jesus’ prophecies about the fall of the temple in Matthew 24. He sees them as applying both to the destruction of the temple and the 2nd coming.)

This phenomenon is common in Biblical literature. Isaiah speaks of a child that will come in Isaiah 7.  In context, this could refer to the King of Judah’s son or even Isaiah’s son.  There is a bit of ambiguity.  Later Matthew applies Isaiah’s prophecy to the birth of Christ. The passage is fulfilled  a second time. Arguably, the same principle is at play in Matthew 24.  Here Jesus speaks of the destruction of Jerusalem.  He implies a second fulfillment as well: his final coming.

Prophetic Typology

Yet I would argue that this is not the best way to think about the interpretation of these passages.  I prefer what I would call “prophetic typology.”  The first fulfillment really fulfills the prophecy.   Isaiah’s prophecies about the birth of a son a fulfilled soon after he gave them. Then the same prophecy is applied to a later, greater fulfillment.  Matthew applies that same birth of a son to Christ.  It is applied typologically the 2nd time.

This allows us consistency in the way we interpret the rest of the bible and prophecy.  Prophecy is not a completely unique genre with its own set of hermeneutical rules.  To an extent it is unique; prophecy speaks of the future, not the present.  However, the New Testament uses the narratives of the Old Testament in the same way as it uses the prophecies of the Old Testament. The narrative of David’s sufferings and Moses’ teachings are applied to Christ typologically, just like the prophecy of Isaiah.

The telescoping view contains some truth.  Isaiah  likely saw that a greater fulfillment was necessary when he saw the first fulfillment.  The church always applied Matthew 24 to the 2nd coming of Christ, though he spoke of the fall of Jerusalem in that passage. Christ certainly kn ew that there would be a fuller fulfillment.  Even the idea that there is a greater fulfillment in the later type than in the earlier type is not completely wrong-headed.  Christ teaches in Luke 24 that all the Old Testament was about him.

What I don’t like is the suggestion we need to separate sections in various prophecies that apply to the first fulfillment and others that apply to later fulfillments.  Seeing prophecy as typological gives us a simpler tool for working with prophecy.  Advocating for the typological method in interpreting prophetic fulfillment does not completely rule out the idea of telescoping, but it does give consistency in the way we interpret scripture.

Another trans-hermeneutical principle

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. (Prov. 1:7)

This has often been interpreted as an epistemological principle.  We know truth because we know the Lord.  Ultimately this doesn’t make sense of what we see in the world around us.  People have knowledge of the truth; people have knowledge of the “works of the law” as Paul notes in Romans 2: 14 and 15.  Historically the church has always taught that people may have some knowledge of God and the world through “natural law” or through the “created order;” even through the “image of God.”  The fear of the Lord can only be the epistemological beginning of knowledge in a limited sense then.

Perhaps we should see this principle as a hermeneutical principle.  One can only rightly interpret the world through the fear of Lord.  When we approach the world from the position of trust, we can begin to rightly interpret the facts that are before us.   Without the fear of the Lord, the basic instrument in the interpretation of the world is lost.

A trans-hermeneutical principle

Everything matters.

Yes, it is true that some things matter more than others.  Sometimes, when we study something, we devalue certain phenomena in order to get a conclusion.  This is part of being human because we are not able to comprehensively account for all knowledge.  We will never be able to develop a theory that is based off of a truly comprehensive knowledge. We will never be able to have a truly comprehensive knowledge of a minor discipline.  Even if we did, we do not have the capacity to account for every fact in that discipline.   Yet we do need to realize that everything matters.

In some sense, this is a theological point.  We read in Colossians 1 that not only is everything made through Christ but everything will also find fulfillment in him.  Christ himself told his disciples in Matthew 5 that our Heavenly Father clothes the lilies and cares for the sparrow.  He knows the hairs on our head.  Even though Creation was in six days, God took care of every detail.  God continues to watch over every detail in our lives.

When we approach scripture then, having this awareness that everything matters, we should know that every word matters, every turn of phrase matters.  There is a reason God is putting all these words together in a certain way.  This is more true of Scripture than other books.  We should note the little details in Shakespeare but Shakespeare never has the attention to detail that God has.  God intends a greater significance in the little things than Shakespeare could have imagined.

(A “trans-hermeneutical principle” is something that applies to interpretation in every area of knowledge.  A variety of thinkers have noted that a “hermeneutical point of view” not only interprets texts but is a filter for receiving all knowledge. We are applying the metaphor of hermeneutic to all of life.  This does not mean that we have accepted Derrida’s view that everything is text.  Rather, this means that we see an analogy to text in everything around us.)

Hermeneutics and Education

Welcome to Respondeo.  I plan to use this site in order to reflect on the twin disciplines of Hermeneutics and Education.  Hermeneutics is, of course, the study of how we are to discern meaning, particularly in texts.  It is not the same as Epistemology, which answers the question of “how we know what we know.” Hermeneutics, is rather, the study of how we appropriate meaning.  It is the study of interpretation.  Education doesn’t necessarily seem to be a natural spin-off, but in so far as educators attempt to communicate texts to students there is a connection.

I am studying to be a pastor, which gives me insight into the book whose meaning has been wrestled over more than any other book in history: the Bible.  What does it mean?  How do we know what the author meant?  How do we teach that book to people today so that it has relevance for them as well as those it was originally written for?  For that matter, how does any old book hold relevance for today?

These are some of the questions I will be exploring on this blog.  I hope you enjoy it.

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