Reflections on order


Month: November 2024

top view of a family praying before christmas dinner

Notes on Venema’s, “Children at the Lord’s Supper:” Part 2, Faith and the Church Fathers.

2. Venema fails to consider the various ways the church fathers may have conceived of faith.

  • In line with this, he fails to account for other contextual readings, prioritizing his own reading as obvious because he has already assumed his conclusion.
  • As a side note, reading this response alongside the book is beneficial as I do not fully reproduce what I am responding to.

The quotes from the church fathers that Venema provides can be made to align with a paedo-communion position just as easily as the credo-communion position. Venema assumes his conclusion.  To be fair, I do the same.  In my estimation, I’m more honest about it.

Venema’s failure to understand the role of faith at the supper continues as he turns to the church fathers. He assumes that the fathers have the same account of faith that he takes for granted.   Venema also fails to understand how the context of these quotes does not necessarily support what he wants to make of them.

The comment on faith should be clarified.  It is common among the reformed to make intellectual assent a part of faith, and it is assumed that babies do not have the rationality to express faith.  That is why the reformed, when speaking of faith in infants, preferred to use phrases like “the principle of faith,” “the root of faith,” or “an inclination to faith.”  They often forget that the fundamental meaning of the word faith is simply trust, which babies, as well as adults, can express.  This faith expresses itself very differently in the infant, whose reason is not yet formed, than in the adult.  We can even say that in the adult, this rational or intellectual element is necessary, for as the scriptures say: let each act according to the measure of grace that is in him. 

The worst effect of this sort of reasoning is that faith becomes ideological.  Faith in Christ becomes equated with any number of propositional truths or system one must hold before the come to the table of Christ.  While this is undoubtedly part of faith, the danger of the practice of Profession of Faith is that this faith becomes boiled down to an ideology.

This reality causes me to wonder whether the current state of denominationalism is not in part due to a natural working out of the doctrine of Profession of Fatih. Each denomination finds a way to quantify the level of ideological purity they need at their table, making the table no longer Christ’s table but that denomination’s table, to the degree that some will recognize that there are many other Christians out there but because of they do not hold to that particular denomination’s or federation’s ideology they are refused the table of the Lord. This makes the table the table of a particular sect of the church rather than the Lord’s table.  

I am not denying the importance of knowledge or propositional truth in the church’s public confession.  I am merely making a note of how the practice of Profession of Faith might have worked out the relative importance of that aspect of the church’s life sociologically. Paedo-communion suggests a different sociology that might even take a form that is more similar (it will never be the same) to how the 3rd and 4th century church functioned. I merely suggest.  It may take a form not seen yet, as well.  The latter is the more likely outcome.

Neither do I argue these things because I am anti-intellectual or I don’t love reason.  These are wonderful gifts of God to us. I merely state that the reformed overemphasized the role of reason in such a way so that they could not see that faith could be properly attributed to infants. Here they failed to deal with the biblical evidence already offered above.

I admit to reading through the lines, but Venema’s assumptions about the meanings behind the quotes from various fathers of the church fail to account for the different ways in which they used the term faith. Justin Martyr says only those may come to the table who are living as Christ has called them too.  If Justin Martyr is working with the assumptions I have argued for, this has nothing to do with Venema’s argument. Similar arguments can be made about the other quotes.  Venema seems to assume that a call to faith and a call to examine is the same as making those prerequisites to the table.  Similar things can be said about the more stylized quotes that reflect on the journey of the Christian to the table.

A second thing that Venema does not allow for is that some of these quotes are given to the congregation as a whole and, as such, are given to the whole congregation and received according to age and capacity.  I looked up the quote from Clement in the Stromata, for example, and that is the very thing Clement is doing, arguing that in the Christian life, a man ought to continue to examine himself as he walks on the path of righteousness, and he uses the call to examine one’s self from 1 Corinthians 11 as such an example.  If Venema is right about 1 Corinthians 11, he may be right about Clement.  If Venema is wrong about 1 Corinthians 11, he is likely wrong about Clement.

Another thing that Venema does not make us aware of is the new adult members that are likely coming into the church of Jesus Christ at the time and are also in the mind of the fathers. They certainly would have needed to express an age and capacity-appropriate faith before coming to the Lord’s Supper.

Finally, Venema fails to understand the strong role of typology among the fathers.  For example, the quote from Origen that refers to the status of the children in the Old Testament as one of being under a tutor.  Origen is tying us, the Christians, into that history.  Historically, we were once children, and now, in Christ, we are adults.  If we were to take this type of typology and woodenly apply it to the Christian journey in the New Covenant, would we say that small babies are under the law and then when they profess their faith, they are under grace?

Similar things can be said about the quote from the author of the Syrian Didascalia. Once again, we have a stylized quote that summarizes the journey of the Christian life. I imagine that the author is thinking of Hebrews 5 and 6 in the background and equates participation in the meal as eating solid food. If we actually look at Hebrews 5 and 6, the author of Hebrews is speaking to a group of adults, and these adults are given the milk of the word. That does not mean that they did not participate of the sacrament.  The sacrament pointed them toward the more solid food of good works.  In fact, the author of the Syrian Didascalia here is thinking in the following terms:  You are brought into the New Creation through baptism, and in the New Creation, you are fed by word and sacrament.  Word first, and then sacrament. Here, we have a logical order that does not need to reflect a temporal order.

If we take this seriously regarding temporal order, are we to prevent baptized adults from being at the table for a while?

A second way to look at this quote is even more straightforward.  It is simply a description or list of all the things that are begun in you and continue to happen, whether it is the making new through water or the feeding with the spirit and the word, or admonitions, or the sacrament.  Again, Venema assumes a lot when deriving a logical and temporal order from this quote.

Even in his mild conclusions (Venema will qualify with things like “probably”), Venema is not careful enough.  He doesn’t allow for the idea that the church fathers may speak out of a very different worldview than his own. I don’t say this proves paedo-communion in the very early church.  I only say that Venema is far more free with his explanations of these quotes than he ought to be.  He has already assumed his conclusion while working through these quotes. 

My conclusion is that Paedo communion was likely common in the early church, as much as from other emphases in the fathers about baptism and the body of Christ and the connection between baptism and full participation in Christ, but I recognize that I believe that, in part, because the teaching is so evident in scripture.  

I am also not bothered if I am wrong about one or two of these quotes.  Scholars today emphasize the diversity of liturgical practice across the Roman Empire.  If some groups did not practice paedo-communion, that does not surprise me.  Christ, after all, had to remind the Jews of the central importance of children to his kingdom, it is not a surprise that many Christians throughout history had to be reminded as well.

As for the rest of Venema’s historical reconstruction, he is right to say that the move to credo-communion cannot be reconstructed through the lens of one issue. There are further complications. It is actually his account of a move from credo communion in the first couple of centuries to widespread paedo communion in the fourth century that stretches credulity.  I can find the evidences of the first, there is very little evidence for the second.  The first happened over hundreds of years while the West was torn apart and had to be rebuilt.  A lot was forgotten.  The second happened over a hundred years and we have little evidence of a fight over this liturgical change in churches that took liturgical change very seriously.

An addendum:

I want to talk a little more about this argument that is derived from the Origen quote: that some will say that the immature state of Israel before Christ reflects the state of the child.  They continue: yes, he feeds on Christ, but not in the fuller sense symbolized by the meal. It follows that entrance to the meal reflects the time of maturity in which Christ has come. 

This argument, in particular, really bothers me, for it creates all sorts of problems with the status of Children.  Are children under the law?  If so, why are they baptized into Christ? Do they necessarily have a less meaningful relationship with Christ?  Why? How so?  How can Christ then say, “of such are the kingdom of God!”  The whole community, the whole tree, is renewed in the New Creation of Christ!  Are children somehow barred from the age of the Spirit who cries “Abba, Father!” I do wish that credo-communionists would not use this argument as much for their own sake as for mine.

That is not to say that there are not lessons for us in training up our children, but these have to do with practical child-rearing, not what era an individual belongs in.

top view of a family praying before christmas dinner

Notes on Venema’s, “Children At the Lord’s Supper:” Part 1, Faith and Paedo-communion.

Notes on Venema’s “Children at the Lord’s Table.”

I’ve received several recommendations to read Venema’s “Children at the Lord’s Table.” I have read articles and summaries of Venema’s argument, but it is not until now that I have sat down and read the book in its entirety.

 It is often counted as one of the best defenses of Profession of Faith, the practice of having a child give an account of his faith before coming to the Lord’s Table. Having read it, I tend to agree with that estimation, not so much because he makes a strong case, but because he is more intellectually honest than most critics of paedo communion.

 With some qualifications, I respect his attempt to present the Paedo-communionist position with a desire for truth and fairness in his dealings. Overall, he is careful to avoid resting on obscure passages of scripture, such as the theoretical question of the child as he sees the Passover; “What do these things mean to you.” Instead, he builds a compelling case for the importance of faith for worthy participation in the supper.  Upon that basis, together with a collection of evidence from Scripture, Church History, and the Confessions, he argues that “Because the Lord’s Supper is a sacrament that nourishes faith, it requires a kind of faith that is able to remember, proclaim, and discern the body of Christ.”

However, the statement quoted above is not logically coherent on its own.  It has an assumed premise that is missing.  We can see this through simplifying the statement, “Because the Lord’s Supper is a sacrament that nourishes faith, it requires a certain kind of faith.  One must then find some scriptural teaching that the sacrament can only nourish a certain kind of faith.

He fundamentally fails to adequately provide a scriptural basis for a ritual in which the young confessor must express his faith before admittance to the table.  And if he does so on that point, it fails to establish that this faith must be qualified by remembrance, proclamation, and discernment as a requirement for admittance to the Lord’s Supper. Indeed, every Christian is called to remembrance, proclamation, and discernment in his or her faith, but there is nowhere in scripture where we are given a measurement of such faith as a requirement for admittance to the supper. Therefore, it is better to understand this call as something that is applied according to age and capacity rather than a prerequisite.

I’ve divided my critique into four: (1) Venema fails to understand the role of faith in the paedo-comunionist mindset. (2) Venema has a similar failure of imagination in his reading of the church fathers. (3) Venema fails to understand the nature of the transition from Old to New Testament. (4) Venema’s entire case is built on the contested passage of 1 Corinthians 11.  There are other disagreements, but these four points, particularly points one and four, reveal the flawed assumptions that underly the case for Profession of faith.

  1. Venema fails to adequately understand the role of faith in the case for paedo-communion.  He especially fails to understand how the reformed paedo-communionist conceives of faith. In this, we are not that different from the reformed tradition, which has until recently held that the baptized infant ought to be counted as a believer.

Venema states that for the paedo-communionist, there is “only one basis for admission to the Table of the Lord, namely, membership in the covenant community.”  What he fails to understand here, is that for the paedo-communionist, membership in the covenant community, means to be counted as one who has faith, a believer. For one cannot be saved apart from faith. 

And this is not only part of the paedo-communionist understanding, it is very much a part of the reformed tradition.  Here is a link to an article summarizing the reformed tradition on how the root or principle of faith is found in all believers, and therefore, we can say that children are counted as believers.

In the “Synopsis of Purer Theology” (a gathering of the best Dutch Theologians after the Synod of Dordt, in Leiden, to go deeper into the theological questions that were discussed at the Synod), it was even said, that repentance and faith were necessary before baptism. So here infant baptists embraced a form of believers’ baptism. It followed that children were to be counted as having repentance and faith, even before they were baptized. Similarly, while the Divines who put together the Westminster Confession of Faith, would not have used the same language (they would not have seen repentance and faith as necessary before infant baptism), they still would have counted children as believers, using, again, the language of the root of faith or the principle of faith.

And this can only be confirmed by the scriptures.  The Psalms, written not just to describe David’s experience, but the experience the covenant believer, speak of such an infant faith. David says in Psalm 22, “Yet you are he who took me from the womb; you made me trust you at my mother’s breasts.”  While David is still nursing, God teaches him to trust in him. Even more dramatic are the words of Psalm 71, “For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust O Lord, from my youth.  Upon you I have leaned from before my birth; you are he who took me from my mother’s womb.  My praise is continually of you.” Here, we have faith in the very womb of the Psalmist’s mother, as the Psalmist already leans upon God there.

As I’ve already stated, this is not merely put in the mouth of David.  The Spirit puts these into David’s mouth so that they may be the confession of Israel.  Israel is taught to consider themselves believers from birth. We, the people of God, throughout all the world’s history are taught to count ourselves as believers even before we receive the covenant sign, whether it is circumcision or baptism.

To be a covenant member is to be a believer.  The question of faith as a pre-requisite to the table is moot. Faith, in turn, leads to faith.  The call to faith comes out through the word of God every Sunday, both to children and adults.

To sum it up. There is a lot of evidence in scripture and tradition for a sort of infant faith. But regardless of that evidence, all agree that those who are baptized are counted as believers unless they prove otherwise.

Naturally, a common concern comes up: the question of presumption.  The answer is simple.  Presumption is always wrong. 1 Corinthians 10 marvels at how Israel received all the blessings of the covenant and yet they died in the wilderness.  Hebrews 4 tells us how the people did not enter the rest of God, because they did not mix the promises with faith. Nobody in the church of Christ may presume on their faith.

God brings us into his kingdom and we are called to a continual response of faith.  The Heidelberg Catechism says that we baptize infants because they no less than adults have the promises of the gospel.  The same goes for communion; we feed the children from the table of the Lord because they, no less than adults, need the assurance of their faith.  It is not as if you come to the table and suddenly you just get the promises, no longer the warnings of the covenant.  You always need both.

Therefore, presumption is wrong for young children. They are to be taught to increasingly take ownership of their faith.  Presumption is wrong for young fathers and mothers; they must be taught to continue to draw near to God.  And presumption is wrong for old men.  They are not to forget God as the sun begins to set on life.

Again, not all who are in the covenant are of the covenant.  Some of those circumcised did not believe.  Some of those baptized do not believe.  When the call to faith is not heard and the heart of rebellion begins to act out, that is where church discipline comes in. And a lack of faith will eventually lead to rebellion.  That is the warning of the scriptures.

The desire to guard against presumption, whether by creating the ritual of profession of faith in response to baptism or putting baptism at a later age, does not deal with presumption. Presumption just becomes a problem at different times of life, and unfortunately, there is often an encouragement to doubt the reality of one’s faith, for those who do not measure well according to whatever local standard is decided on.

An argument can also be made that the practice encourages presumption. You have arrived to real faith once you come to the table and once you have true faith you are saved.  Faith becomes, not just the tool that God uses so that we may receive salvation, but it becomes, practically speaking, the ground of salvation.  Once one has professed, one has reached a higher level of spirituality and is therefore safe.  This of course, goes against the theology of the reformed church, and I have observed the leaders of the church seek to fight against this type of attitude. Rightly so!  I wonder if the problem is in the practice itself.

Or, if one can come to the table early or tests better than his or her peers, spiritual pride becomes a reality. I can only speak anecdotally, but I have seen the table become something by which some measure themselves better than others, especially for those who, through natural intelligence and early maturity, are able to come to the table earlier than their peers. Men use this as an argument against paedo communion, but really it is an argument for it, because it is the practice of Profession of Faith, that creates the opportunity for such spiritual pride.

While Venema fails to account for these realities in his own tradition, neither does he adequately account for how a paedo-communionist might account for the importance of faith.  Yet I do think there are extenuating circumstances as to why Venema misses this.  Early advocates of Paedo-communion failed to adequately explain the role of faith in their understanding, preferring to rely on more objective arguments. I then, have some sympathy for his lack of understanding here, for the paedo-communionist argument has developed overtime.

I don’t know if Venema had access to Rich Lusk’s book “Paedo-faith.”  That book accounts for a lot of the discrepancies of Venema’s account. It fills in the holes where Venema suggests that some advocates of Paedo-communion fail to account for faith.

 Even at the end of the book, where Venema, suggests that Lusk attributes more to baptism that is proper to allow for paedo-communion, he misses these realities.  He quotes some relatively strong statements about baptism (admittedly, I might not use the same language), which emphasize the objective realities of the covenant which we are a part of.  In his book “Paedo-Faith,” Lusk clearly highlights the importance of mixing faith with the glories we receive in baptism.

I’ll end this section by noting that there is a statement on paedo-communion in the CREC (It is in its first reading in Knox Presbytery and not in its final form, but in general, describes the position of those who hold to paedo-communion in the CREC).  I have reproduced it below.

“As elders who hold the keys, we do not exclude baptized children from the Lord’s Table because God has incorporated them into His covenant and congregation through baptism. The covenant promises are theirs in Christ. We believe that in the sacraments God calls us to respond by faith in Christ according to our age and capacity. We affirm that faith is a necessary condition for worthy participation at the Table and that God gives such faith even to small children. Jesus said: ‘Let the little children come to me.’”

person holding baked pastry covered with towel

The Broken Bread

The bread that we break is a participation in the body of Christ.” The bread represents the one body, and in the ceremony of the supper, we break the bread.  Christ is not broken. “Not a bone shall be broken,” says the Psalmist.  What is the breaking of the bread then? It is the breaking of the Christ from the apostles, his body, and his people, the new Israel.  It is division of Christ from the earth, his death on the cross.  But it is a promise that he will be joined again to his body.  Abram divided the animals in our passage today, in the hope that they would be joined together in new resurrection life.  So, we break the bread, demonstrating how Christ our Lord died, and was separated from his body and yet the Lord raised him from the dead.  So to, in Christ, you die to the old man, you are separated from the realities of this earth, so that you may be raised and exalted with Christ.  Paul says that in the Spirit, we already are raised to the heavenly places with him.  And so we are in the heavenly places, even while we are in this body of death on this earth.  It is that reality that demonstrates what Paul means, when he speaks about how we show forth the death of Christ in 1 Corinthians 11.

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